It has been two decades since an actually worthwhile "Predator" flick has been unleashed in theaters. I am of course discounting the two abysmal "Alien Vs. Predator" flicks that came out recently. Most even say that "Predator 2" was also a terrible film. I, however, beg to differ. Both "Predator" films have a uniqueness to them that I find appealing to this day...
Shall I explain?? But, of course...
For years, Robert Rodriquez wanted to get his own "Predator" project off the ground. This goes all the way back to the late 90s... Many years, and projects later, he finally got to visualize his concept of a "Predator planet." Opting out of directing, Nimrod Antal of "Vacancy" and "Kontroll" fame was hired to direct it. I have not seen this film yet, but it indeed looks promising. And being that this is a Summer practically DEVOID of horror, this flick is as close as I can hope to get. I do consider these films as more of being "Sci-fi Action Flicks" as opposed to "Sci-fi Horror" like the "Alien" series though. Either way, the "Predator" films were part of me from childhood, and I think some appreciation needs to be thrown their way, hence this segment...
"Predator" (1987)
This movie really needs no introduction. This flick was part of "The Unholy Quad" of crazy 80s action flicks that I devoured as a young child ("RoboCop," "The Terminator," and "Die Hard" were the others). Action movies were my thing back in my early years. Give me some ultra-violence, some cigar-chomping tough guys, some bitchin' one-liners, and I was a happy camper. They really don't make them like they used to...
Your basic plot: A rescue team on a mission to rescue hostages from guerilla d-baggs in Central America come across the ultimate hunter: the Predator. A seemingly indestructible alien with high-powered weapons, cunning survival skills, and an awesome set of dreads, he makes mincemeat of the team save for one. Yeah, you can't fuck with Schwarzeneggar! After all, he IS "Commando"...
Filled to the brim with kickass action, voracious gore, and a fucking catalog of awesome one-liners ("Get to tha choppa!", "Stick around!", "Knock, knock...", and loads more...), this film is indeed one of my all-time favorites. The cast is all sorts of badassery (Bill Duke, Sonny Landham, Carl Weathers, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, etc.), and the action is non-stop! From mega-producer Joel Silver, this film was directed by the great John McTiernan, who made the all-time classic "Die Hard" one year later. This gives him a "Total Awesomeness Badge" for all time.
Even though this flick isn't exactly "horror," it has enough skinless bodies, blood, and goreguts to make horror nuts happy. Additionally, the make-up effects job done by Stan Winston and Co. were mind-blowing!!!
Look at this purdy vagina-face...
Overall, this flick is a bonafide action classic. It's fun, gory, fast, furious, and remains one of the baddest-ass movies of all time...
Due mainly to Schwarzeneggar, the film made some nice bank at the box office, and a sequel was made three years later...
"Predator 2" (1990)
Briefly mentioned in the first film that the Predator is attracted to "heat" and "conflict," it is fully explained in this film by none other Gary fucking Busey!! Yeah. This time, the film's setting switches from the jungles of Central America to the urban jungle of Los Angeles in 1997! An all-out war is escalating between two gangs of ruthless drug dealers: The Colombians and The Jamaicans. What the hell? Jah teaches and preaches the peace, bros!! Maybe some Bad Brains will set you straight...
No, huh? Well fine!!! Continue with your power wars, you greed mongers!!!
Oh, wait. The Predator is in town. And he wants blood! Drug war blood!!! Not even Scarface can stop this gore-hungry, spinal cord-ripping bastard!!! Add to the mix a very persistent Danny Glover, a secret Special Forces unit headed by krazy Busey, a weirdo drug lord named King Willie, and of course, El Scorpio...
This guy...
"Come and get it!!! El Scorpio is reeaddy!!!"
This guy scared me as a young child. Even more so than the Predator...
Full of sicktastic gore, crazy action, a wild cast (Bill Paxton, Ruben Blades, Morton Downey Jr., Calvin Lockhart, Robert Davi, Adam Baldwin, etc.), and a couple of nice one-liners ("Who's next?", "I don't think he gives a shit," etc.), this movie, however, was not greatly received by audiences, and did some poor box office, which halted any future installments to be made. At first, I didn't like this film much either. But over the years, it has indeed grown on me, and has become a nice guilty pleasure. Additionally, the director of this film was Stephen Hopkins, fresh off his directing gig, "A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child." Even though that was the worst "Nightmare" film (in my opinion), he really stepped up his game in this flick, and put a lot of style and visual flair behind it. He later went on to helm more high-profile flicks, like "Judgment Night" and "Blown Away."
Another special performance to note is the late, great Kevin Peter Hall's as the infamous title character. Portraying him in both films, he really brought the character to life, and made him a totally evil, malevolent presence throughout both films. Much like how certain stuntmen like Kane Hodder, Tyler Mane, and Derek Mears brought life to their particular roles, Hall really made his character into one badass motherfucker...
Overall, it was a damn good sequel that takes a lot of shit, but oh well. You only hate what you don't understand!!! Which is why so many people hate punk music. But that's a whole other can of worms!!
"Predator" easily gets a 5/5 (*****/*****)
Classic, classic movie. 'Nuff said.
"Predator 2" gets a 3/5 (***/*****)
Damn good follow-up! Great, gory fun!
A nice double feature of these two bad boys is highly recommended...
Nice rundown on the series. I also enjoy Glover's performance in Predator 2, and I think it a worthy sequel. It's daring to flip the hero from hunk to shrunk, but Glover's tenacity as a street savvy cop keeps the action hot. Both of these movies set up Brody's actioner, which recaptures the brawny battling to stay breathing, mano y predator style. Hope they keep him for the next one up.
ReplyDeleteI always much preferred P2; P1 always felt way too long and too slow for a movie where I don't give a damn about the characters period. Just kill something for chrissakes. Did have a few memorable quotes though.