And, this time... it IS personal...
The following is 11-20...
11. "S-C-E-X?? Sex? Well, you had to find out about it, didn't ya?? You just couldn't leave it alone. If you wanted to know about it so bad, why didn't you ask me? You wanna know about it? You wanna know about it? Ask me! Ask me!!"
from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2" (1986)
All the lines from this flick and Tobe Hooper's original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" are all great quotes. With the sequel, there was definitely a great abundance of quoteworthy moments. Literally all the characters had great lines. From Stretch ("Are you mad at me??"), to Lefty ("Bring it all down!!!"), to ol' L.G. ("I built you a fry house."), to of course, Chop-Top, one of my favorite movie villains. Lines like "Time for incoming MAIL!!!" and "Lick my plate, you dogdick!!" are a few of the many great quotes uttered by this wacky character. The line above, however, belongs to The Cook... Reprising his role from the first film, Jim Siedow added a whole other level of insanity and hilarity to this role, as evidenced by his "sex" speech to poor lovestruck Bubba (that's Leatherface to you...). I can write a catalog about Chop-Top's numerous great lines, but this line always gets to me.
12. "Ah, man. I shot Marvin in the face."
"Why the fuck'd ya do that??"
from "Pulp Fiction" (1994)
"Pulp Fiction" is a work of insane genius. It is one of my top favorite films, and this is probably my favorite line in the damn movie!! Of course you have great lines like the "Royale with cheese," and the "Ezekiel 25:17" speech, but this line is just so perfectly hilarious. I love how Vincent says it like it's no big thing. Obviously, Jules and Vincent have seen their share of ultraviolence... Oh, and poor Marvin. At least Big Kahuna Burger was his last meal.
I'd prefer some In-and-Out...
13. "Oh Sandy... don't make me laugh. Ha, ha, ha..."
from "Grease" (1978)
I don't really dig on most musicals, but this is a pretty good flick. Plus, I figure another Travolta quote won't hurt none. Anyway, I always thought this line was pretty hilarious. His delivery of the line reminded me of his classic character of Barbarino from the show "Welcome Back Kotter." I loves da Sweathogs...
14. "Don't dance near the chemicals!! In fact, don't dance at all..."
from "Rock and Roll High School" (1979)
Riff Randle just wants her school to rawk!! And some all-out chaos begins during the opening credits as she blares the Ramones classic, "Sheena is a Punk Rocker" on her school's PA system!! All the classes erupt, and everyone starts to dance! The Science teacher, however feels it is quite unsafe to be dancing near the chemicals, as evidenced by this great line. There are many great, memorable lines in this flick, but I always thought this one was pretty random and cool. Gee whiz... doesn't this teacher know that he cannot stop the Fire of Youth??
15. "PIGGY!! Hahaha!!! Here, Piggy..."
from "Carrie" (1976)
Travolta is appearin' all over the place!! He had a lot of great lines in this film as the incorrigible Billy Nolan. but this line belonged to his buddy-pal Freddy. During the infamous "Pig-killing" sequence, Freddy provoked the poor pigs by chanting this creepy line. The delivery of this line was pretty damn creepy, but once it came down to the killin', he wasn't up to it. So, Billy makes fun of him and does it himself. The whole banter between him and Freddy during this scene was pretty hilarious. He even utters "Git 'r done!" way before that Cable Guy douche...
16. "You're killin' me, Smalls."
from "The Sandlot" (1993)
Back when I was a kid, this was my MOVIE!! There was a time, when this demented mind liked his kid flicks. Like the "Problem Child" flicks, the "Mighty Duck" flicks, "Three Ninjas," etc. This one remains a timeless favorite. You can't blame poor Smalls for not knowing Jack about Tobacco, Baseball, and gnarly S'mores... but his pals made fun of him anyway, most notably "Ham," with this classic line. I'm sure at one point in time, everyone has felt like Smalls as a kid. I liked Bertram. He was my dawgg...
17. "Our responsibilities are finished..."
from "Dawn of the Dead" (1979)
There are boundless amounts of quote-age from this seminal zombie classic, but this particular line is my favorite. It's very simple, effective, and had a great delivery. During the frantic opening credits scene, all-out chaos is abound at a television station during a mass zombie outbreak, as specialists are arguing what makes the zombies tick. Everyone starts evacuating when they find out that most of the rescue stations have closed down. Our main heroine Fran is then confronted by her pushy boyfriend Steven (Flyboy) to go with him. One of the camera operators at the station insists that she goes, uttering this great line. I feel that I really identify with this line. If I was to be one of the characters in this film, it'd be that guy. Hopefully, I would survive...
18. "Everything is true. God is an Astronaut. Oz is over the rainbow... And Midian is where the monsters live..."
from "Nightbreed" (1990)
One of my favorite underrated horror flicks, this was Clive Barker's bloody fun follow-up to "Hellraiser." In this flick, all Boone wants to do is become one of the Nightbreed, which is this underground world of gnarly-lookin' monsters, including Peloquin, my favorite badasss. In a memorable sequence, Boone has an unfortunate run-in with this guy, in which he utters this line of epic awesomeness. It's pure poetry...
I want to be Peloquin!! He rulezzz!!!
19. "I want two meatball sandwiches... Utah!! Get me two!!"
from "Point Break" (1991)
You gots to love Busey... As Special Agent Angelo Pappas, Busey put a lot of quirkiness and downright awesomeness to his role. And him and Johnny fuckin' Utah made a great pair. It is especially evident in this one scene where he instructs Utah to get him some food. All he wanted was his meatball sammiches... but, oh no. The Ex-Presidents had ta foul it up...
Hey, Punk Rockerrr...
20. "Don't make me laugh, Baby Pig. This takes concentration..."
from "Demons" (1985)
It's badly dubbed, which makes it all the more awesome. It's also a true horror classic, and it's full of great quotes. This one, however, is my favorite. Shit is hitting the fan as demons are invading a mysterious theater. Meanwhile, a group of Go West-loving punkers are drivin' around and sniffing coke out of a Coke can. That's product placement for ya... An argument arises, which leads to some of the punkers to spill some of the yayo. This pisses off leader "Ripper" something fierce, and he makes the other three pick up "every gram!!" This leads to this hilarious quote from one of the punkers. I love that line, and I love this movie!!
Here's a nice runner-up from that same film:
"You look like you're scared of breakin'!!"
Ahh... Tony The Pimp... he was so awesome. And it sounds like a line that comes from those "Breakin'" movies. Boogaloo Shrimp!!!
That is all for this installment...
Stay tuned for Part 3...
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